Upcoming Sunday Bible Talks at 2pm
Come along to our hall or watch live on YouTube
16th March: Digging for Truth - Archaeology and the Bible
23rd March: Why doesn't God make it Easier to Believe in Him?
30th March: Getting to Know the Bible: 1 Samuel
6th April: Where do we Go when we Die?
Please email us to request any YouTube links
[email protected]
Our Hope
We accept the Bible as our only guide and believe it to be the inspired word of God. We eagerly look forward to the completion of God’s plan for the world and mankind; the re-establishment of God’s Kingdom when Jesus returns to the earth as God’s appointed King. We believe from the signs about Israel and world events that God has given us in the Bible, that Jesus’ return is imminent.
We are located in many countries throughout the world with large groups of Christadelphians in the United Kingdom and Europe, Australia, New Zealand, North America, South East Asia and Africa. Here at Downend we are a group of about 70 people with a common faith and love for the Bible and its teaching. The name Christadelphians comes from two Greek words and means brothers and sisters in Christ. We are a community of men and women, united by a shared faith based on God’s word in the Bible, who try to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.
Learn More About Us
Introducing the Christadelphians
What we believe
We believe that the Bible is God’s word and the only message from him. It teaches us about God and his son Jesus Christ, and his purpose for the world.
- There is only one God – who created the world and continues to work out his plan and purpose with his creation.
- Jesus is the Son of God, and a human being, through his mother Mary.
- Jesus led a sinless life, submitting perfectly to the will of God, even giving his life as a sacrifice for us. God raised him from the dead to an immortal life. Through Jesus, mankind has the opportunity to be saved, if we believe, are baptised, and follow him.
- Jesus is currently in Heaven, at God’s right hand. He will one day soon return to the earth.
- When Jesus returns he will establish God’s Kingdom and rule the earth. Those who have tried to follow him and serve God will be given eternal life in that Kingdom.
- Man is mortal, having no existence when dead. Those that have died – “fallen asleep” – will be resurrected at his return.
Our Meetings
We warmly invite you to ask us questions or come along and meet with us in reading God’s word and finding out more about his wonderful message of hope for all mankind.

Memorial Service
Every Sunday 11am
Our memorial meeting allows us to meet together and share the bread and the wine in remembrance of the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. We listen to an exhortation before we partake of the bread and wine.

Bible Talk
Every Sunday 2pm
Our Bible hour is aimed at those who wish to learn more about God’s word and covers a wide range of subjects throughout the year. We warmly invite

Sunday School
Sunday 10.30am
Our Sunday school is held most weeks, following the standard school term times. Please contact us in advance if your child would like to come along.

Bible Class
Every Thursday 7.45pm
Our main study evening of the week. We look at a specific subject from the Bible to learn more about God and his plan and purpose with this earth. Afterwards there is time for discussion on the subject.

Youth Group
Friday 7.15pm
The young people meet to catch up with their friends and do all sorts of different activities such as swimming, football, cooking, cycle rides and many more! There is then a short interactive bible talk and discussion.

Many More!
We have lots of other meetings and events going on all the time, such as socials, topical talks, youth weekends and so on. Keep checking our website or facebook page to see what is coming up soon…